Quaker Meeting

“I valued Wednesday morning meetings. While I am not religious, the chance to sit silently and reflect (or pray or meditate) centered me every week, allowing me to appreciate and contemplate my time at MFS, rather than allowing it to wash by, as so much of life is apt to do. I grew spiritually as well as academically.”
Monteverde Friends School operates on the principle that spiritual development is as important as physical and intellectual development; therefore, the mid-week Meeting for Worship is a central part of the education offered by MFS.
Together with the “Pre-Meeting” lessons and activities, this experience plays an important role in community-building and in the spiritual development of MFS students. Our students are not asked to become Quakers, but they do come to appreciate the silent reflection and the Quaker values that infuse the school: Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, Stewardship and Care for the Environment.
A Friends Meeting begins in silence. The Divine Spirit is near to us always, but sometimes it is a help just to be still and in quietness try to feel this Presence. We therefore settle down into silent worship and strive to have an actual feeling or knowledge of the presence of God.
Wednesday meetings with students are shorter (45 minutes) and preceded by activities and reflection to mentally prepare students for the experience of silence. The youngest children come in for only part of the meeting.
For more general information on Quakerism visit QuakerInfo.org
Sunday Meeting schedule
- 10:00-10:30 Some gather for singing
- 10:30-11:30 Meeting for Worship followed by introductions and announcements
- 10:30-about 11:15 Usually there is Children’s Meeting. Children join Meeting for Worship for the last 15 minutes or so
- First Sunday of each month, Meeting is followed by a potluck lunch

Wednesday Meeting
- 9:00-9:45 with the school and community together, followed by announcements and singing Happy Birthday for birthdays that week.
More information about Monteverde Monthly Meeting can be found at: MonteverdeQuakers.org.

“My time at MFS encouraged me to take peace and conflict studies courses at both schools and to participate in direct non-violent action social justice groups. I also formed a stronger relationship with my grandmother upon my return home, which I attribute to the relationships I formed with older Quakers in the MFS community.”
– former international student