Our annual Walkathon is one of the most challenging and exciting ways to support our school. Participants leave school at 8am and walk 13 kilometers (about 8 miles) up and down steep dirt roads through the cloud forest. Participants (152 last year!) walk, run, bike, and one community member has even completed the entire length on stilts!
Some years we end at a scenic vista at the San Gerardo Overlook where, weather permitting, walkers are rewarded with an amazing view of the Arenal Volcano. Other years we explore the world-renowned (and Quaker-organized) Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve.

This event is completely organized by parent volunteers. The funds raised go to the art, music, health and drama programs, the physical education program, and to the capital equipment replacement fund.
Please consider sponsoring a walker or hosting your own walkathon on the same day to support us!

If you would like to sponsor a student, teacher, or community member on the walk, please contact us. You can sponsor by the kilometer or with a fixed amount. Your donation will be tax deductible to the extent allowed by US law when sent to Monteverde Friends US. Make sure to put the participant’s name and “Walkathon” on the memo line. Click here for Ways to Give.
You can also support us by organizing a walkathon at your school or in your community on the same day. We’d love for you to walk with us! Check what day this year’s Walkathon is on in the School Calendar.